Bald Faced Hornets are actually not a true hornet, they belong to the yellow jacket family, and are easily distinguishable due to their black bodies with white markings, which lead to their name. Their nests are easy to identify as they make the classic football shaped paper nest at someones house. Today we went to a house in Solon Ohio to take care of a yellow jackets nest, and during our inspection of the property we found a Bald Face Hornet nest forming on the back of the house. Not only were we able to identify and potential problem, we were able to take care of it before it became worse. Bald faced hornets are extremely protective of their nests, and will sting multiple times. Due to their aggression it is not advisable to try to treat them on your own, so if you have a bald faced hornets nest, or any other pest issue just give us a call at 216-348-3379.