Spiders are one of the most common household pests, and while rarely are they dangerous in Northeast Ohio, they can still be very frightening. Spiders feed off of other insects, and make there webs in order to catch their prey. The most common areas of a home that spiders are found in are basements, attics, and garages. As the weather gets colder spiders are noticed inside the house more and more, because the warmth inside allows them to flourish. Since there are a large number of species of spiders, there is a wide variety of behaviors and habitats that spiders enjoy. Some enjoy damp areas of the house such as basements and crawl spaces, others are more prone to be found in dry areas such as you living areas. One of the most common, and intimidating types of spider in our area is the Wolf Spider, at the onset of fall they seek out warmer areas, and are often found inside your home. Today we went to a house in Twinsburg Ohio that was having a problem with Wolf Spiders. We arrived at her house, did an exterior treatment, and then proceeded inside the home, where we knocked down any webs that we could find. When treating for these it is important to create a barrier around the entire house to prevent new spiders from coming in, and at the same time it is important to get rid of any spiders that are present in the home. If you leave spiders inside the home, they will continue to breed, and your problem will not go away. With our expertise, and experience we are able to squash any spider problem for you, just give us a call at 216-348-3379.